Who do I give feedback, a complaint or a grievance to?

The Committee warmly encourages all feedback and are committed to continuous improvement. Our policies ask that any feedback, complaints or grievances are emailed directly to the Director or the President. A copy of this policy can be found on our website in the policy section.

Similarly, if you would like to raise an item to be discussed at the Committee of Management Meeting, please send us an email. All community members are welcome to attend these monthly meetings.

How will my application be processed?

Our kindergarten is not part of the Central Registration Scheme and we strongly suggest that you apply to more than one kindergarten service. All applications are assessed against a Priority of Access criteria which is outlined in our Enrolment policy. You must provide supporting documents to verify eligibility for Priority of Access indicated on your registration application.

Does my child need to be immunised?

Any child that is enrolled in an early childhood and education and care service must have an AIR Immunisation History Statement that indicates that the child is fully vaccinated for their age or must qualify for the 16-weeks grace period. A grace period allows children of families experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage to enrol and attend the service without an AIR Immunisation History Statement (or when the statement is assessed as not being up-to-date. Families along with the service must complete the grace period eligibility form with families during enrolment, and keep a copy with the child’s enrolment record.

Is your kindergarten program play based?

Ave Maria Kindergarten is a play-based kindergarten program guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework. Play-based learning encourages exploration, curiosity, imagination and, importantly, physical, social and cognitive development. Educators create fun, stimulating environments for children to learn about the world around them at their own pace. While play based learning is the basis of our program, we also value elements of intentional teaching and what this can bring to a child’s learning experience.

Does my child need to be toilet trained?

No, although you are strongly encouraged to have your child toilet trained before they begin kindergarten. If they are not we encourage you to discuss this with your child’s educator on how they can best support your child.

When do I need to apply for kindergarten?

Kindergarten applications open the year prior to your child attending. The date for registrations to open is usually set in March/April and close on the 31st May. Applications and changes received after 31st May will be considered only after initial offers are processed. Families will be advised if they have received a position by the end of July.

If I mention on my application form that my child has a diagnosis or that they are awaiting a diagnosis for a developmental delay, disability (including intellectual, sensory or physical limitation) or complex medical condition/need, will they miss out on a Kindergarten place or will it impact on them being placed at the Kindergarten?

No, we strongly encourage families to provide details of any additional needs or medical requirements on the Kindergarten application form. By having this information as early as possible, we will be able to work with your family to ensure we can support your child’s transition to Kindergarten. The Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) offers supplementary assistance to Kindergartens to support the inclusion of children with additional needs in the Kindergarten program. Additional priority of access is applied to those children which have additional needs with supporting documentation.

Are we able to come to the service for a tour?

Our service holds an annual open day where families are welcome to come and tour the kindergarten, meet some of the educators and ask questions. This is held during the period of registrations usually around March/April.

How many positions do you have available?

We have 116 4 year old positions (the same for 4 year olds) and now we have 78 children in 3 year old - up from 44 children.

Does your kindergarten offer parent duty and parent involvement?

Yes, from term 2 we encourage families who are interested to attend parent duty, but you can also be involved in other ways through filling a position on our committee of management, attending fundraising events and working bees.

What are the fees?

Our fees are set after each financial year for the following year. These fees are waived for eligible Health Care card holder. Please see enrolment and fee policies for more information.

Can my child do 2 years of kindergarten?

We only offer a second years of kindergarten to children who are receiving support in 2 or more developmental domains and who have been referred to or are receiving support for these areas.

How old must my child be to start kindergarten?

Your child must be 3 years of age and must be 4 years of age by 30 April in the year of attendance to attend our kindergarten program. Children born between January 1 and April 30 may be considered ‘young’ in comparison to the other children in their year level (this applies to kindergarten as well as school) and there is a growing trend to delay entry by one year, to coincide with a later school entry. If your child turns 3 between January 1 and April 30th, they will not be able to attend until their 3rd birthday and fees will need to be paid to secure your position.

For more information about kindergarten and school readiness, refer to Transition: A Positive Start to School Resource Kit.

Ave Maria Kindergarten is a play-based kindergarten program guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework.