Please come along and join in on the fun at Ave Maria Kindergarten’s working bee!
Volunteers are not required to attend for the entire time.
Any time given would be appreciated.
What: Working Bee
When: Sunday 3rd April
Time: 9am-12noon
Where: Ave Maria Kindergarten
Jobs include:
Installing fake grass
New edging around the bike track
Cut back passion fruit vine
Paint arrows around the bike track
Put posts back in the ground around the bike track
3 sleepers to be replaced around tan bark
Decking to be repaired Clean out drain on the ground
Please let the kindergarten know which jobs you are able to help with and if you have any tools you can bring on the day.
Due to having power tools children are unable to attend a working bee.
If you would like to bring some food or drinks the on the for our busy helpers e.g sandwiches, sausage rolls, pies, please contact the kindergarten 9337 7286 or send an email to
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